I like Valplast partials. I don’t enjoy adjusting them though. Enter Arfona. The r.Pod is a FDM (Hot Glue Gun on steroids) 3D Printer that can print in 2 different materials. Up until now we have been limited by very brittle and weak materials using resin based printers. But FDM can print anything, wood, concrete…
I’m Bringing Alginate Back: Digital scans from unpowdered alginate
Digital Dentures are sort of an oxymoron. You can’t take a digital intra oral scan, as the soft tissue of the cheek and buccal vestibule keep moving and are hard to image. So we need to take impressions and either pour them up and scan or scan the PVS impression material. Alginate is a great…
Tooth Ninja: CEREC Connect Katana bridge case
Here is a case that shows off 2 things that I am jealous of CEREC InLab users: Katana bridge blocks or pucks and 3D printed die models (aka Geller Models). This patient had an implant fail on her and wanted nothing to do with titanium, so we went with a bridge. She had decay all…
eMax CAD + Fuji Plus 6 Years
I get this question a lot, a lot: What cement do you use for eMax CAD? Well, it depends. It depends on the preparation style and the clinical situation. If the preparation has adequate occlusal reduction and has good mechanical resistance/retention forms, I have no problem with “cementing” with a RMGI (resin modified glass ionomer.) …
Cracked Tooth Syndrome Solved
Cracked tooth syndrome of the lower left 2nd molar. Removed the composite and lo and behold, there it was. Kept the margins high and dry. Omnicam, Ivoclar Vivadent Emax and Multilink. The digital workflow can definitely help with going from a simple situation like replacing a composite into an indirect restoration without skipping a…
Print a Pair: 3D Printed Dentures with Moonray
Its funny, I really hate dentures, but I have really wanted to try a digital denture. Well lo and behold this patient came in. Took upper and lower alginates and had my buddy Jesse Flor scan them for me as my Shining was out, but you could also do this in CEREC. fullcontour.com is a…
I Want My Two Dollars: $2.50 CAD/CAM Designs from Evident, Free Solid Zirconia Crown from Alien, CEREC
I posted on Dental Hacks an offer from a lab software company, Evident Labs, offering to take any scan from any IOS whether its CEREC, Itero, 3Shape, Carestream etc and design a restoration for $2.50 per tooth. There were some responses from dentists that were curious about it. But I would say that the majority…
CEREC. Ortho. Lingual Retainer with CEREC, CAD Temp and the Evodent Printer
I have to first start by saying that I absolutely hate lingual retainers. But you know what I hate the most about them? Bending wires! Here is a patient that had her braces off and I could just not talk her into an essix style retainer and unfortunately, she know I was into printing and…
New Printer Who Dis? Evodent 120, Archorm, CEREC In Office Aligners
Got a new toy! Evodent has been really taking the lab world by storm and are hoping to appeal to the Doctor market with the new Evodent 120 DLP Printer. Not a bad deal at $12,000 which INCLUDES a light box and ultrasonic cleaning station. I have been pretty vocal in telling docs that 95%…
“Perfectionism: Friend or Foe” (Part 3)
“Perfectionism: Friend or Foe?” (This is Part Three of a Three Part Series on Perfectionism in Dentistry) STEP 2: Tools to Overcome Perfectionism Tool #1: Changing perfectionistic thinking Changing perfectionistic thinking requires us to develop realistic thinking by placing things in perspective while looking at the overall picture. Sometimes this involves compromising, not our quality…