I like Valplast partials. I don’t enjoy adjusting them though. Enter Arfona. The r.Pod is a FDM (Hot Glue Gun on steroids) 3D Printer that can print in 2 different materials. Up until now we have been limited by very brittle and weak materials using resin based printers. But FDM can print anything, wood, concrete even Kevlar where the 3D printed gun controversy has been centered around. There is little or no post processing. However the trade off has been the lower resolution of these printers. In Sirona Connect find Master Touch Dental lab. If you are a non CEREC owner just contact master Touch and Email your STLs. The printer itself goes for a reasonable $5500.
Everyone who 3D prints has a love for the FDM printer. They are fun to watch, have tons of great colors and you can make some really cool toys. Arfona has a line of filaments that work with just the r.Pod including support material, model, tray and of course, Valplast!
Master Touch Dental Lab uses CC Milling for the teeth in PMMA and the Valplast is printed with supports on the r.Pod. The supports either come off easy or you can use a special material for supports that comes off great.
I think the final was pretty awesome. The adaptation was un real and esthetically the patient was thrilled. Arfona charges about $280 for a arch of Valplast and about $150 for a small Nezbit. When in CEREC make sure you use CEREC Ortho!
You wanna learn more about 3D Printing plus Drink!!? Come to the next 3D Printing Party Oct 12/13 in Austin. Register below!!