I have to first start by saying that I absolutely hate lingual retainers. But you know what I hate the most about them? Bending wires! Here is a patient that had her braces off and I could just not talk her into an essix style retainer and unfortunately, she know I was into printing and CAD/CAM, so she told me “I am sure you will figure it out!” Ok, up to the challenge. I selected Vita CAD TEMP over Telio CAD as CAD Temp is composite. Drew a margin on all teeth from 22 to 27 with the inter proximal margins fairly close.
Milled it out and printed a model on the Evodent printer to get an idea on fit. I milled it out thick with the thoughts of thinning in the mouth.
Gums were beat up after taking off the brackets, bonded with Max Cem. Not perfect but a lot easier than bending a wire!