It may still be Monday in the states but it is Tuesday in Kyoto and I have some serious jet lag, so here is a post that has three things that I am excited about in 3D tech right now: Digital Outsourcing, 3D Printing, and some cool variations on zirconia or as some say “Zirkonia”.…
Gums of Steel: 3D Printed Moonray Denture and Getting the Vertical
Had an interesting case. Not because it was a digital denture, but the circumstances behind them. This patient has had no teeth for 20 years!!!!! Yes since 1998. I asked him what he ate and “All foods, never had a problem, just want some teeth to look good.” Well, OK then. Are big challenge is…
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: CBCT scanned impressions, 3D Printed Valplast
So this is a funny story. We as dentists may not be familiar with a primarily lab focussed company DOF. DOF sells and makes mills, lab scanners, face scanners and distributes ExoCAD. I have had a slew of digital dentures and wanted to try out their scanners with my cases, so they generously let me…
It’s All About The Hamiltons Baby: $20 3D Printed Night Guards, Designed from Evolve on the Moonray
I really like the idea of designing my own night guards, but if you have ever tried it, the reality of it really sucks. If adjusting the occlusion on one crown in CEREC gets your heart pumping, try a full arch with a guard. Well Evolve Dentistry has come out with a service of $15…
Ivoclar Vivadent Launches Tetric CAD
Tetric CAD is a new hybrid ceramic-resin. It is mainly ceramic in volume with a resin matrix and touts the highest biflexural strength of all resin-ceramics: 272mPa. It will come in an HT and MT lines. Because of its resin nature, it mills extremely well and fast. Best of all, it is easily polished. Ivoclar…
Ballin’ on a Budget, Digitally: $4500 Scanner, $750 Printer, $50 TZi Crown from Evovle
The cost of going digital is dropping all over the place. And while I still think no one can beat CEREC in terms of patient experience and just all around easiness, there are some out there who are not sure if going all digital is right for them or if they can incorporate the expense…
Flex, Time To Impress: 3D Printed Valplast
I like Valplast partials. I don’t enjoy adjusting them though. Enter Arfona. The r.Pod is a FDM (Hot Glue Gun on steroids) 3D Printer that can print in 2 different materials. Up until now we have been limited by very brittle and weak materials using resin based printers. But FDM can print anything, wood, concrete…
I’m Bringing Alginate Back: Digital scans from unpowdered alginate
Digital Dentures are sort of an oxymoron. You can’t take a digital intra oral scan, as the soft tissue of the cheek and buccal vestibule keep moving and are hard to image. So we need to take impressions and either pour them up and scan or scan the PVS impression material. Alginate is a great…
Tooth Ninja: CEREC Connect Katana bridge case
Here is a case that shows off 2 things that I am jealous of CEREC InLab users: Katana bridge blocks or pucks and 3D printed die models (aka Geller Models). This patient had an implant fail on her and wanted nothing to do with titanium, so we went with a bridge. She had decay all…
Zirconia Implant Crowns are Evolving: TZi Stain and Glazed Implant Crown by Evolve Dentistry on a Legacy 2
Here is a finished case I wanted to show highlighting a few labs out there that can really help you deliver high quality restorations and a really great price. Labs can use pucks instead of blocks and as a result, their cost per unit is much less than ours. We printed a guide using Dentiq…