Basically, we are doing “high water” crowns. Meaning: the margins are kept high and dry, while only going cervically when necessary. It goes against the grain with traditional crown preparation styles, but that is based on mechanical resistance and retention forms for PFMs, gold, etc. When bonding in the final restoration at…
Suprinity for Amelogenesis Imperfecta
Suprinity by Vita was super-fantastic with this amelogenesis imperfecta case. This was a young woman who always hated her teeth, but has a bigger-than-life personality. Her dad was so sweet to get these for her as a gift. It was emotional for all of us. We broke the case up into three sections…
Implant Cantilever with ZirCAD Multi
Not a lot of space and we decided to cantilever a bridge off of the implant. My OMS placed the implant where the most bone was available and had to use a small diameter implant. Because there was no tibase for this, I just used a stock abutment and imaged it like a traditional tooth…
Just Onlays
Ho hum…. Just a couple of partial coverage restorations… Nothing fancy like a mouthful of veneers. Just plain ‘ol restorations. Or, are they? I think they are EXCITING! I love saving tooth structure and keeping the “parts” that are still doing great! Why cut them down when you have a CEREC system? You can…
All-in-Four Veneers
I’ve completed many veneer cases, and most likely the patient is hesitant about the cost and how many. Rightfully so. Veneers can be quite expensive. If you’ve read any of my other posts, or follow me on FB, you know that I’m already “aggressively conservative.” I try to save tooth structure,…
Reduce Over-Milling
In all of the years of CAD/CAM dentistry, this discussion has always happened. “Over milling” is where the burs remove more material on the intaglio surface so that the restoration will seat without binding. The “over mill” is dependent on the prep surface, the thickness of the spacer, the bur geometry, and the angle for…
Trust Your BioCopy
Ooops…. A really informative video that Cindy and I made, er, a couple of years ago. I never posted here! 🙂 We discuss and SHOW how your occlusal surfaces can greatly differ with BioCopy and Buccal Bite Biogeneric. Although an older software, the Biogeneric calculation still does the same in today’s Omnicam and PrimeScan…
MiYo by Jensen Dental
Don Cornell from Jensen Dental and I discuss the latest in their characterization system: MiYo. It has a glaze component with colors that truly give you: WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get.) The colors are formulated in a way that you do not see any significant chroma loss, or increase after firing. …
A PrimeMill Discussion
We discuss the PrimeMill from DentsplySirona and the pros and cons for 4-axis and 5-axis milling strategies. What is optimal for a dental office is not necessarily what a dental lab technician would want with milling. Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day use of CEREC! Works…
eMax Has Been Prime Milled!
Lot’s of buzz about the CEREC PrimeMill! It’s fast with zirconia, but what about eMax? Well….. this crown was milled in just over 5 minutes! The newer generation of motors, tools, and tool paths allow for more efficient, and accurate, grinding! But, first a bit of history… The first molar had…