I love Valplast! It is such an amazing material to use as a removal partial denture or as a “flipper.” In my practice, there are very few patients that want to be missing a tooth that is visible in the “smile zone” while they are waiting for their implant to be completed. So, we…
2021 Digital Enamel Summer Symposium
Come join us for two days of exciting digital dental education and latest news. We have limited seats, and this will sell out. Details are still being finalized but we have 4 speakers! Kristine Aadland from Washington Sarah Jockin from Florida August de Oliveira from California and myself! https://digitalenamel.com/courses/
Virtual Enamel? Trying out Virtual Reality with CEREC and Formlabs
Just playing around with a really cool concept: VR with the Oculus Quest. Working with the team at VHS I am trying to add VR to my online courses. Its easy to teach software or do a Keynote or Powerpoint, but when teaching Digital Dentistry and 3D Printing, its tough to show equipment. A…
Case Presentation for Crown Over Root Canal
A case presentation for a crown over a root canal. Young girl with a large cavity on her second molar was restored with eMax and Evo Ceram bulk fill. The first molar was restored with a direct composite. Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day…
Sprue Position
There are a lot of misconceptions on the location of the sprue for a restoration that goes through grinding. In my opinion, the “rule of the sprue” is that it should be on the bulkiest part of the restoration and not interfere with the milling (grinding) process. Check out this video that goes…
Nada: CEREC Primescan Upper Hybrid without Composite Markers or Imetric
Pick your battles. Usually this is an statements when dealing with your significant other, but after doing all digital hybrids for the last 3 years I know when to use equipments and techniques, and when to go solo. I have found that if a patient has a lot of ruggae and it’s an upper, I…
Overlay or V Prep?
Basically, we are doing “high water” crowns. Meaning: the margins are kept high and dry, while only going cervically when necessary. It goes against the grain with traditional crown preparation styles, but that is based on mechanical resistance and retention forms for PFMs, gold, etc. When bonding in the final restoration at…
You Can Have it Both Ways: Analog and CEREC/Imetric at Implant Pathway’s Restorative Solutions
With Covid its been so long since I taught a live course and I have to say, last weekend at Implant Pathway did not disappoint! At the Restorative Solutions course we teach doctors on live patients how to restore single and full arch implants! The next one is April 15 – 17, 2021in Tempe AZ…
Suprinity for Amelogenesis Imperfecta
Suprinity by Vita was super-fantastic with this amelogenesis imperfecta case. This was a young woman who always hated her teeth, but has a bigger-than-life personality. Her dad was so sweet to get these for her as a gift. It was emotional for all of us. We broke the case up into three sections…
UPDATE: September 2020 – “The Times They Are A-Changin’!” (Part II)
“The Times They Are A-Changin’!” Part II Anytime there is change, we have the opportunity to grow and flourish or we can stagnate. Moving forward towards the beginning of 2021, we have the opportunity for practice and personal growth in several crucial areas: “Dentists have the opportunity to lead their dental practices during these challenging…