This case is a great example of using analog and digital dentistry together to make a huge impact in a patient’s life. Duration of this case was 3.5 years as we started the process while keeping the end result in mind. Not a single drop of impression material was used on the restorative side of…
This Printer is so Extra! Phrozen XL $1200 3D Printer with Extra Large build plate
I really am loving the low cost printers from a company with a funny name, Phrozen. This is the 3rd printer I have bought from them and, although I am sticking to my guns on getting a Moonray or Form 2 for a production, dental office printer, I may change my tune with this one,…
A Hit and a Miss: Form 2 $70 Resin from Apply Lab Works
Ok I got some more resin from Apply Lab Works for the Form 2. This retails for $70 vs $150 from Formlabs. When you are printing a 40 model aligner case, that adds up quick! The Moonray resin is working perfectly, so I am super excited about that. I tested the tan and the gray.…
Expensive Resins Need Not “Apply”: $70 Resin for Form 2 and Moonray from Apply Lab Work
Doing aligners in house has been great for my practice and my patients. I’ve lowered my aligner fees by $1800 which was what I was paying Invisalign. But there are a lot of models to print and model resin is between $150 and $200 a liter or about $3-5 a model. I’ve experimented with less…
Digital Dentistry is More than Milling
August discusses digital dentistry with other digital clinicians. In this video they discuss various intra oral scanners and printers. Digital dentistry is more than just milling. Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day use of CEREC! Works directly through your Apple or Android devices!
Today Was a Good Day: Edentulous lower with Legacy Implants and 3D Printed Guide
I don’t think I will ever get tired of placing implants. Just the overall coolness of taking someone from no teeth to having a full set is like nothing else we do in dentistry. If you are not placing implants you really should look at courses like Justin Moody’s Implant Pathway. They do live courses…
Get Low: Simple Sub Crestal Legacy 4 Implant with Emax Screw Retained Crown
It is cool to see full mouth cases however I am a simple, single tooth dentist and the single implant and CEREC crown is what I do day in and day out. I have always placed my implants just below the crest, but saw a few lecturers placing their implants more and more sub crestal.…
Real Life with Vita
One of our favorite blocks is the Vita Real Life. It isn’t as popular as some because people are unaware of how to use it. It is a simple block with two layers: a dentin and an enamel. They are sloped within the block to mimic the facial slope of anterior teeth. Basically, the enamel…
CEREC Guide 2 for the Win!
This case is a perfect example of gaining the patient’s trust by showing them how well and how quickly things can be done using a digital workflow. This patient presented with a failing 3 unit bridge #18 – #20. He previously had another provider place an implant in the number #19 area which failed, hence…
CEREC 4.6 with GC Cerasmart
CEREC 4.6 is being released, and the scans are exceptional. The depth of colors are getting closer and closer to photorealism. The HDR visual mode of 4.6 is really nice for depth. However, the 3D DATA is actually the most important thing because that is what we are milling to! Check out the model and…