Empress has been around for decades now. Ivoclar-Vivadent revolutionized cosmetic dentistry with Empress, along with better bonding systems being used, in the 1990’s. It continues to shine, and be a fantastic option for cosmetic situations. In the CEREC system, the Empress Multiblock is still a go-to block. We use it when a gradual transition of…
50 Shades Of Dental Grey
As great as dental x-rays are today with our high resolution digital sensors or the convenient phosphor plates, they come with MAJOR limitations. Dental x-rays (the typical bite-wings and periapicals) are pretty much the same as they’ve been for 50+ years. The improvements have obviously come in the realms of: greatly reduced x-ray exposure digital…
Living the Dream
Daniel Vasquez visits Digital Enamel and discusses how his practice runs the digital dream. He has a great story of how it impacts his practice and how he became a dentist. He is living his dream Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day use of CEREC! Works…
Tale of Two Firing Pegs
I’ve been asked about this countless times: what firing peg material do you use? The two most popular peg material for chairside use are Object Fix from Ivoclar Vivadent and Quick Peg from Vita. Yes, there are many others, but these are the most popular for doctors in their office. As you will see in…
Eddie Corrales in Your Office
What a great concept for cosmetic makeovers! Have Eddie Corrales come to you! Dentists can schedule one of the premiere CAD/CAM dental ceramists in the world to make their crowns and veneers for a patient while they wait. Utilizing the Digital Smile Design (DSD) concept, he can preplan your case and arrive ready to go!…
Two Teeth for Christmas
We were so happy to finish up this case for this young man. It was many many years in the making for him. He had both teeth knocked out as a child. Both teeth developed ankylosis, and #8 eventually succumbed to external resorption. Both were extracted. After many years of waiting for growth to complete,…
Telio CS Link!
We don’t do many temporaries with our digital restorative workflows, but when we do, we rely on Ivoclar-Vivadent’s Telio CS Link. It is a great provisional cement because it holds very well, has easy clean up, but most importantly it looks great! Tempbond is so yellow and opaque! Just what you don’t want under full…
Weasels are Good for Dentistry!
Cindy and I discuss our new discovery from Harvest Dental: the Fusion Kolinsky Brushes! They are amazing. High quality fibers from the coveted Kolinsky sable (actually from the weasel family.) These brushes also have an amazing ergonomic metal handle. The best part is that the ends are magnetic connections so you can switch out, or…
Dental Printing with the MoonRay S
August walks you through the use of the MoonRay S printer. It is a DLP printer and hits the sweet spot of dental printing: good resolution, fast, and reasonable price. Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day use of CEREC! Works directly through your Apple or Android devices!
Five Year Recall CEREC and eMax CAD
What you leave behind is really what matters in the long run. eMax CAD has proven to be the “sweet spot” of dental ceramics with it’ excellent esthetics, strength, and longevity. Combine it with CEREC and you have an amazing way to restore teeth: a great material with a great one-visit process. This crown was…