Not everyone wants an implant. So, bridges are still very much in the mix of dentistry, and should not be forgotten. This was a case where the patient just wanted the space to be filled in and not change his overall appearance. In other words, he wanted what he had, but with a tooth…
One Hour Onlay with CS6 Furnace
Speed and quality can go hand-in-hand! We all know how fast CEREC can be with imaging, design, and milling, but the bottleneck of time can be found at the furnace! Ivoclar Vivadent has launched the CS6 furnace that is FASTER and can do ceramics AND zirconia! It is a major advancement in chairside…
The Programat CS6 Furnace Makes eMax CAD Even Faster
Ivoclar Vivadent has launched their next generation of furnaces! I’m excited to see the NEW Programat CS6 Furnace! It crystallizes lithium silicates, sinters zirconia, and is a glazing furnace! The best part is that it cuts out a lot of clinical time, especially with eMax CAD and ZirCAD. The “super fast” crystallization time for eMax…
Benefits of Corporate Dentistry
Dr. Sarah Jockin joins me in discussing the benefits of corporate dentistry. I will admit that I had preconceived notions on the topic, and they were not positive. In this interview you will see how Dr. Jockin explains that the corporate structure is very amicable to many situations. The internal support for…
CEREC 5.2 Update
DentsplySirona has released CEREC 5.2! You will find that it is packed full of new features while enhanced stability across the platform. It can be downloaded HERE. The CEREC Guide workflow has improved, there are new features within the program and milling tools. eMax CAD is also fast milled through the PrimeMill…
World’s Fastest Dentist: Jeff Purk!
I decided to learn more about motorcycles, and started riding on the track at Circuit of the Americas in Austin in 2020. On one occasion, I happened to run into Dr. Jeffery Purk from Iowa. He and I hit it off well, and I was blown away by his story! Not only…
Digital Valplast!
I love Valplast! It is such an amazing material to use as a removal partial denture or as a “flipper.” In my practice, there are very few patients that want to be missing a tooth that is visible in the “smile zone” while they are waiting for their implant to be completed. So, we…
2021 Digital Enamel Summer Symposium
Come join us for two days of exciting digital dental education and latest news. We have limited seats, and this will sell out. Details are still being finalized but we have 4 speakers! Kristine Aadland from Washington Sarah Jockin from Florida August de Oliveira from California and myself!
Case Presentation for Crown Over Root Canal
A case presentation for a crown over a root canal. Young girl with a large cavity on her second molar was restored with eMax and Evo Ceram bulk fill. The first molar was restored with a direct composite. Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day…
Sprue Position
There are a lot of misconceptions on the location of the sprue for a restoration that goes through grinding. In my opinion, the “rule of the sprue” is that it should be on the bulkiest part of the restoration and not interfere with the milling (grinding) process. Check out this video that goes…