Here is a case that turned out well, but did not go as planned. Patient came in for a scan for upper and lower implants with optiguides and our server had issues and his file did not save. Luckily we had an older scan to go with and was able to more or less know that the ridges were wide and the final restorative position matched where the bone was. So rather than bringing the patient back we opted for simple model based guides.
Again, we knew from an old scan where we wanted to be, the center of the future crown, so we started with a pilot and checked with films and tactile sensation throughout the ostoetomy.
Lots of good pink attached tissue and looking well centered in the edentulous space.
Both sites were recently grafted and although we got good stability, I did not want to place contour healers as they just were not as tight (>35Ncm) as I wanted them. Will replace these stock healing abutments in about 2 months, with contour healers. Legacy 4 on #20 Legacy 1 on #2. I like the Legacy 2 now better than the 1.
Since the server was up and running and the mental foramen looked close we took a follow up scan and everything looks good. I wouldn’t do this on every case but sometimes you need to roll with what the day, or network gives you!