Ok, so my Portuguese brother Dr. Lou Paulerio told me to keep posting simple CEREC Guide cases so here is another one! Non restorable #14, good bone in the furcation. Fabricated the radiographic guide with the reference body. Scanned the tooth in CEREC for the .ssi file.
When I am designing the CEREC crown form I look out for two things, central fissure position and cusp position. If I want to go screw retained I really want that screw access to be right in the center of the tooth. (Spoiler Alert: I didn’t end up there, but at least I tried ;})
And again, you know my deal. Drill a hole through the furcation with a surgical carbide. Drill through the furcation with a 2.3mm pilot, get your glide path then section and remove the roots with luxators. Then replace the CEREC Guide and finish the osteotomy.
Nice 7 by 11.5 HA Coated Legacy 2. Why not the Legacy 3 or 4? I don’t need or want the stock abutment as I am going with a custom Emax as my final. Not in love with the final position of the implant ;{ I am a little too distal with the screw access. The problem with all immediates is that you really are hanging on with a little bone and although it does grip the apex, the platform is sometimes free to deviate.
Also by now you know my deal with grafting. Leave the Legacy 2 mount on and pack some DFDBA around it. make a hole in your membrane and pass your healing abutment through that hole so that you can skew down the membrane. I am really not in love with my placement. I could have had my apex more distal and my platform angled a bit more medial as my screw access will now be in the distal half of my crown leaving a mesial cantilever. I am a little close to the pre-molar. No bueno! I may end up with a separate custom abutment and crown just to hide that! Oh well, the more I place implants the more I am craving finding a fully guided system especially in immediates.