We review the differences of the Primescan with the Omnicam. Both are excellent systems! However, the Primescan has taken it farther with: ease of use speed better data imaging with a dynamic lens less requirements for angle of images predictable full arch scans Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos…
Keeping CEREC Simple
I love the simplicity of digital dentistry. It has the ability to take out so many variables, and make life easier. With the launch of the PrimeScan from DentsplySirona, I imagine that you’re seeing all sorts of full arch cases! Great! But, that isn’t what the vast majority of the use is. It is still…
Simply Put: Only Two Shades Needed!
One of our patients needed her old porcelain fused to metal crown replaced after a root canal. This is an excellent opportunity to jazz up the esthetics, especially after bleaching. How many times have you seen this where they bleached years after a PFM was placed??!! Picking the right shade is important, but also a…