One of the reasons that draws GPs to Guided Surgery is fear of running into a nerve. Here is a case where we are pretty close to the mandibular nerve. Scanned both the upper and the lower. The patient is a cigar smoker, hence the white film and yes, I told him to quit.
Dentiq Guide can be purchased from The exports are $20 each, you need to have a dongle. They are going to direct download by the end of the year now for STL exports. Really easy software. You set your offset by sliding the guide sleeve up. In this case my drill was 23.5mm long minus a 10mm implant and 1mm for the height of my CEREC Guide 2 key.
Nothing to write home about with the surgery. The offset from the guide to the key was 200 microns, going to try 150 microns as the key felt slightly loose. Placed the legacy 2 implant through the guide. The offset was 11.5 and the height of the temp cylinder up to the colored part was 12mm. So I just torqued the implant until I reached the colored part.
When you get a PA like this, the pucker factor gets going! Knew we would be close and stayed to the lingual of the nerve. Took a follow up CBCT, which I don’t normally do and we are cool.
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