#20 extracted and grafted by another DDS about 2 months ago, planned for an Opti Guide using the new Implant Direct Guided kit:
Back in 6 days from SICAT, had to do a little enameloplasty of #19 to get the Guide Sleeve to fit:
Due to the fact that the Blu Cam (my Omni could not take SSI when I got it from the floor in Vegas) cannot capture undercuts the Opti Guides fit a bit loose, so use a bite block. Love the windows to verify seating:
Use a drill extender for deep tissue with punches:
Loving the Implant Direct kit, only two more cases to beta test until its released for SICAT:
Placed an indexed, deep tissue:
Planned and placed, even with a 5mm collar we are almost sub gingival. The graft was still a little soft hence the subcrestal placement. So easy.