Ridge position and resorption pattern a bit more palatal for my liking, but otherwise good D3 bone, positioned the apex close to the sinus and hope to bump it with the implant:
Lots of tissue, tough area to get at!
Loving the new Implant Direct Handle Kit, the second image the handle is not all the way down, but you try holding a handpiece, a guide, a handle and a camera and taking a shot ;} I feel like an octopus sometimes.
Implant going in. Great torque values at about 45 Ncm. Also loving the new Schick 33 sensors, check out the Coronoid process of the Mandible. I am back there!!!
Planned and placed, big ‘ol 5mm healing abutment as I ran out of the 3mm
Just showing the healing abutment and angulation. Again we are a little more palatal than I would have liked, but thats where the bone was and I am sure the crown will have a minimal buccal cantilever.