I found this pic where a doc was using an Nd/Yag laser and it heated up the implant so much it melted!! It melted so bad the abutment wouldn’t fit! So the moral of the story is to use a cool running laser like a CO2. I used a DEKA to uncover a free hand…
All Up In Yo Business: Incorporating a Flipper on a Legacy 2 Digital Guide Case
Aka the lazy dentist’s bio copy, this is a way of taking the image of the patient’s flipper and getting it into Galileos. This patient came to me wearing a flipper and 8-10 previously grafted. Rather than imaging the mouth without the flipper, I imaged with. Instead of selecting 7-10 I just picked one tooth…
“I Know, I’ll Work Harder”
“I Know, I’ll Work Harder!” Dr. Bill: I recently signed up for 5 PPO insurance companies in hopes of increasing production and profits. However, I hate what I’ve become since the opposite is happening where collections are down, I’m worker harder and longer than ever, headaches are up, and exhaustion has set in. Where did…
Centered on a Central
While this patient wasn’t too concerned over the esthetics of his new front tooth, his wife WAS. We had to get this one right for her, not him! Sometimes that can be the hardest person to please, but we feel like this turned out well. “Momma” was happy! We really like using Vita’s Triluxe or…
Speed Fire CEREC Zirconia Polish-Palooza=Meh
So I posted a case with a lot of occlusal stain and characterization and got some constructive comments that some don’t bother with occlusal stains especially on a molar. Well I posted all the cases from two days that I did in Zirconia. The bottom line: I’m underwhelmed. Zirconia is such an opaque material that…
It Ain’t Easy Being Cheesy: A-PRF, Telio Pre-Made Temp, Fully Guided CEREC Guide 2/Interactive Case
Wow talk about a kitchen sink case! Here we have an immediate implant and a common problem with immediates. This patient came in between patients on a Thursday with his crown and post in hand. I forgot to take a pre op photo before I cemented it back. We should have taken an alginate…
#quadrantchallenge: #2-4 Emax crowns and Emax Screw Retained crown on 7mm Legacy
Just throwing my hat in the ring for the Keep CERECing #quadrantchallenge. #2 is a single unit Emax, #3 an Immediately placed 7 mm Implant with a Screw Retained crown and #4 is a single unit Emax!
Loogie Based Implantology: PRF CEREC Guide 2 Case with RePlant Implant
I don’t know about you, but PRF always looks like a booger or a loogie. But no one can deny the incredible results you get from using it. Immediate on #13. Look at how long the Guide goes under the gingiva! In the CEREC Softare make sure in the platform stage to LEAVE and…
#singlecentralchallenge: #8 Vita Trilux in CEREC Premium
I have to admit that with the exception of CEREC Guide 2 I have been out of the beta testing loop! So when I got my Speed Fire and new Practice Lab mill, I was pretty confused to see CEREC Premium on my desktop. What is this strange thing? Its like a hybrid of CEREC…
#19 CEREC Zirconia/Speed Fire/ Good old fashioned hand mixed Relyx GI Cement
I usually name my implant posts with funny titles, like “I like big abutments and I cannot lie”, but when it comes to simple crowns I got nothing! Bread and butter GP stuff, #19 old PFM with recurrent decay. Judging from the surrounding teeth we are not talking about a super esthetic demanding patient. Don’t…