The Digital Wax System is an Italian company. August and I were both impressed with their dedication to detail and their commitment to the dental industry. They were also very concerned with the quality of printing resins in the market. They decided they could have better quality control by making their own dental resins. …
Anatomical Dental Implant
When August and I snaked through the IDS, there is no question that this booth had a LOT of buzz. We’ve had long discussions on the pros and cons regarding a dental implant that is PREMADE before extraction TO FIT the extraction site! Regardless if you disagree with the concept, you can’t disagree that this…
3D Systems Printer with Digital Enamel
August talks with the company that started it all. They invented 3D printing, and are in the forefront of dental materials. They recently purchased NextDent resins for printing dental applications. Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day use of CEREC! Works directly through your Apple or Android devices!
Zirconia Plus Titanium
Sometimes there isn’t a good TiBase option. For this implant bridge, we used two stock titanium abutments and milled CEREC Zirconia over them. You have to love the fit of dry milling zirconia to anything! This combination of titanium to zirconia also gives you the great possibility of polishing both materials at the same time. …
Lumpy Part 2: Enamic Healing Abutment/Speedfire Zirconia/Replant Implant
Remember, don’t throw away that guide! We need it to find out where the implant is! 4 months post. Note #12 was temporized at an Endodontist who determined it was un save-able , so we will ext and do another implant. Nobel replace scan post. In CEREC just move the tooth really apical and get out that…
Lumpy Part 1: Enamic Custom Healing Abutment, Speed Fire Zirconia Abutment, CG2, PRF, RePlant
Sorry for the long title, but man, we used everything in my office on this case. Typical presentation, Upper second pre molar broken off at the gumline. We drew two coals of blood for PRF and got busy on the CEREC Guide. As you may or may not have seen at Digital Enamel, I have…
“Vacation: I’m Going to…”
Vacation time is quickly approaching. I’ve heard people say “they can’t wait to go on vacation” or “when they go on vacation they are not going to do….” or “they are going to do….”. A lot of times we just want to get away from the mundane things of life and do something different, especially…
CEREC STL 3D Printed, Another case with Exceed $190 For up to 50 Aligers and 2 refinements!
Ever since we dropped out price on Aligner therapy we have been doing a lot more ortho!! Hopefully getting a new camera soon for my Omnicam so I can do away with powder in CEREC Ortho. Class one post ortho relapse case! You really do not have to use Meshmixer for Exceed Ortho…
Review of Dental Printing at the 2017 IDS
August and I spent hours researching and exploring the current options in dental printing. We kept our focus to what doctors may want in their offices. Because of this, we were really focused on price, ease of use, and the printing options. Have a Kolsch beer with us! 🙂 Our online…
August Reviews the Envisiontec 3D DLP Printer at the 2017 IDS
August de Oliveira knows a few things about dental 3D printing. He discusses the pros with Envisiontec at the 2017 IDS in Cologne, Germany. Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day use of CEREC! Works directly through your Apple or Android devices!