Ok! So where does the CEREC .STL file go?? It has to go into a program that will at least add a base to the scan. This is necessary for printing. If you scan in CEREC Ortho, you have the option of making a base at the end. You can do this, or place it…
August reviews what you need to know for exporting your CEREC .STL file. While not complicated, he discusses some key points and hints to set up for printing. This is the first video of a series to get you off and printing! The following videos will discuss other programs, like MeshMixer, to make the .STL…
Printing Party at DS World 2017 with Digital Enamel!
August will launch his new book, 3D Dental Printing Made Easy, at DS World 2017 in Las Vegas. In order to celebrate, we are having a printing party at the booth! Digital Enamel will be at booth #218 and have multiple printers going. Come check it out while you’re there. In this…
CEREC Band Camp: $300 3D Printed CEREC Ortho Bracket/Band trays with Clear Brackets and White Wires
This was a really fun and my first bracket case. Patient is Class I crowded typical post ortho, not wearing a retainer. Scanned in CEREC Ortho. The file was converted via Cerec Connect and Doral Dental Lab to STL. The files, photos and radiographs were sent to Exceed Ortho which works with Great Lakes Ortho.…
Newest Magazine Contributor!
Everyone at Accelerate My Practice would like to thank Digital Enamel for the chance to contribute to this digital magazine for digital dentistry! Accelerate My Practice is a dental coaching company that has been providing doctors with the tools they need to achieve their dreams. There are plenty of programs out there offered by dental…
Jack of All Trades: 3D Printed Temps on a Legacy 2, restored Hiossen ti Base case
I think I used every piece of technology in my office! 3 Legacy 2 implants placed with a Digital Guide. Flipper wearer for over 20 years. Patient had an existing Hiossen 4.5mm implant to restore. Took a scan and got started on the tissue shaping and zirconia abutments. Did a diagnostic wax up in Meshmixer…
Kicking Astra! EV Implants, Keyless with CEREC Guide 2 and 4.5
I really like the fact that the Astra EV kit is keyless and have been asked by an number of people to adapt Astra’s guided kit like I did for Implant Direct. So I am happy to announce my prototype guide sleeves fit great and should be getting about 1000 of them in about 2…
Four Veneers with CEREC
When you combine digital dentistry with fantastic materials, you can get predictable results. Plus, all of the technical details are easier to work with because the workflow is so much better. You can take the time and energy to work on the final restorations, rather than spend the time to make provisionals. We…
We can do this the easy way or the hard way: 3D Printed Night Guards
Gearing up for this week’s 3D Printing Course in LA and at the last minute played with a super easy way to make in office Night Guards! If you haven’t registered for our August 25/26 you can register at the link below! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dental-3d-printing-party-hands-on-dental-3d-printing-course-los-angeles-tickets-34162832953?aff=es2 Take a patient and scan them opened to about 2-3mm in…
“The Opioid Epidemic: Dentistry’s Response” (Part II)
(This is Part 2 of a 2 Part series) Facts About Heroin In 2015, the typical heroin addict is 1) a white male between 18-25 years old, 2) lives in the suburbs, 3) has an income less than $20,000, 4) has Medicaid, and 5) found penetrating colleges, universities, and professional schools (DDS, MD) rapidly.…