I’ve been really bad about posting clinical cases lately. I have always been a “show what my day to day was”, kinda Facebook poster. Just lately, nothing super cool has rolled around my ops. Then all of a sudden, I have a flood of things, that at least I, think are cool. Enter TruAbutment.
Tru Abutment is a super digitally inclined company. They make scan posts, they make ti bases, they make custom abutments, and me, not keeping up with current events, have never tried them, until now!!
Got a call from this patient when I was out teaching on a Saturday, needed me to see him Sunday as he had a big family party. Placed a post and built up the tooth, but I think most would agree that this tooth is not restorable. Just happen to run into Sun Kim from Tru Abutment, who invited me to try out some of their cool offerings: A keyless Cerec Guide 2 kit, a line of scan posts and ti bases with variable heights. Sounded Cool!!
There are two options for sleeve diameters with the guided kit. If you select the smaller diameter (I call it small but really its 4.5mm) you do not need a metal sleeve. But if you select the medium setting in Galileos for CEREC Guide 2, you can use a metal sleeve and bump up the drill diameter to 5mm. Basically negating the need for the large sleeve. Furthermore since there are no parts, the D2 value equals the drill length which is stated on the kit.
If you select the medium sleeve you just need to use a guided reamer to widen it a bit, which is remarkable easy to do and accurate. The sleeve slides in without superglue. They say not to reuse……but you know whats up :}
4.7 by 16 HA coated Legacy 2 implant. Patient really did not want the flipper so I figured with the Anterior Nasal Spine and a good distance to the lateral I could grip some bone in there. Had an Enamic 1m1 and a Telio A1 but both looked yellow, so I punted to an Emax A1 LT “Temp”, and a zirconia abutment and crown another day. Overall; Really Happy!!!!!
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