I don’t know about you, but PRF always looks like a booger or a loogie. But no one can deny the incredible results you get from using it. Immediate on #13. Look at how long the Guide goes under the gingiva! In the CEREC Softare make sure in the platform stage to LEAVE and not GRIND OUT!
Because the implant was so long/deep we ran into a number of problems. You can see that for some reason we have a “bubble” around the neighbor teeth that when milled prevented our key from seating! So I just adjusted with an acrylic bur and the handle seated.
Was only able to get one vial of PRF but there is more than enough for the case. I’m getting better at it!
Super smooth surgery. Based on the tight interproximal we had to use a drill extender to get past the adjacent teeth and the thickness of the guide.
Sort of fully guided. The RePlant and Legacy 2 mounts fit through most guide sleeves. Not the depth of the mount. We want to be at least 1mm sub crystal on the buccal. I initially placed it more coronal but wanted to get under the bone.
Placed the PRF mixed with bone and on top placed the PRF membrane. Sutured with Gut. Patient will return in 6 months for the implant.