Removed the overhanging tissue with my shiny new Sirolase:
Upper Hader Bar, Lower traditional hybrid with metal convex underside:
Tried in both. With just one screw you should be able to push down on the contra lateral side and have no bounce! Passed with flying colors. Try that with an unsectioned cast bar!
Check the platforms and make sure that there is no space or tissue entrapment:
Wait about 20 minutes and go back and hand tighten. You should not feel that the screw really engages until the end. All screws do not bind!
Upper and Lower Seated:
Occlusion adjusted (I lightened up the anterior and adjusted 30 and 31. Placed cottonon the screw holes:
Access holes filled with flowable:
Bite looks good:
Patient looks happier without his teeth! What’s up with that?
Patient has a new paper weight!