I just got a new toy!! The Evodent E120 printer! If you follow my stuff you know that I am a huge fan of the Moonray and Form 2 printers. For about 95% of what we do in dentistry these printers are workhorses and at under $4K, you can’t disagree with the price . But there are a few things that we either need currently or will need in the future that these lower cost printers can’t do. The biggest hurdle we face with the Moonray and Form 2 is the minimum feature size, with the Moonray that is 100 microns and with the Form 2 we are looking at 150 microns. The ABO came out with guidelines for printers for aligners and the Form 2 and Moonray fit well within those guidelines, but what about dies, implant analog model and possibly final restorations? We would need something along the lines of about 63 microns to the deliver that. The Evodent comes with an ultrasonic cleaning station and high power light box for $12,000. Now, you may not need that level of power and the price is roughly 3 times the Moonray and Form 2, but if you are doing a lot of removable dies and implant restorative, you may want to take a look.
It pretty much a given these days that software is a major major factor on whether an office will 3D print or not. The 3D Printing landscape is filled with really great printers with really really crappy software that is so frustrating that you would much rather just go back to non digital. Form 2 and Moonray have great software as does Evodent, which I cannot say the same for other “lab quality” printers in this price point. The software is EXACTLY like Form 2! You can edit supports, and the auto placement function is really cool. Unfortunately I just have a beta printer that only has SG, and Model from Nextdent and from Evodent.
Nothing to write home about surgery wise. Nice fitting guide from Nextdent SG resin. Super easy surgery. Stay tuned for more cases, got an immediate case and going to work on some implant restorative stuff.
Want to play with the Evodent, the Form 2 and the Moonray? Come to LA July 20,21!!