Pretty old hat by now, but hey what the heck. Another guided CEREC Guide 2 case. As you may or may not know, Inlab can export CEREC Guide 2 to STL, but we don’t have that capability chaired. So you can send to an Inlab provider for about $20 and print it yourself for $5 a guide. So this case would have cost about $150 if I milled but was about $25. Printed on the Asiga Max.
I really like the Xive guided kit. I was going to make sleeves for it but it turns out, the small CEREC Guide 2 sleeve fits perfectly with the Xive guided kit and the medium Astra sleeve fits as well. Its guided up to a 4.3 mm implant. You can do the last drill not guided for the 5mm
We are buccal to the sinus on #5 . On #30 I am going to let the gingiva granulate in and move the tissue from the lingual to buccal at uncovery.