Ok, so I have to eat my words a bit. I had posted and taught that printers above an XY resolution of 60 microns could not print dies or analog models and they were only good for guides, ortho, night guards and dentures. Whelp, I am wrong folks. The CEO of Moonray and I grabbed lunch the other day and he gave me some of a new clear resin they are developing that is increbly accurate. Patient was wearing a contour healer for a month, scanned with a CEREC scan post as well as an NT trading post for the analog model.
Designed the crown in CEREC with Emax and the analog model in ExoCAD. I did not print the gingival mask as I do not have a 385 Nm printer, yet.
The funny arms on the model help it occludes as its a Geller model. Easy delivery and pretty cool that you can see of the analog is seated as the model is clear.
Want to learn more about 3D Printing? Come to a 3D Printing Party!! Jacksonville Patterson April 20/21Contact Ginger at Patterson Jacksonville at gingerpdco@gmail.com
Boston April 27/28 register below: