Ok I was really reluctant to post this case as its a little controversial. But what the hell, I’ll post away. This is a great patient that we did a lot of work on over the past 10 years. As you can see we have done a few implants on her. She came in…
Who Let the Dogs Out? Canine Immediate with CEREC Guide and Interactive Implant Fully Guided.
I love having CEREC Guide 2 in my office and as a GP the vast majority of what I do is single unit cases. Although I never immediately temporize Canines due to the lateral occlusion on it., I love doing immediate placement. Here we planned for an Interactive mount free implant from Implant…
Adding a Proximal Contact to any Ceramic or Zirconia Restoration
It is simple to add a contact when needed to zirconia with GC Luster Paste. Infact, this is now my go to method for all my ceramic restorations, (VITA ceramics, Empress, and e.max). It is very fast and predictable.
Something Up My Sleeve: Alternative to Pilot Guides, Legacy Digital Guide Case
I have to confess that I have been spreading mis information! In areas that are tight I’ve always taught my docs that you should use a pilot guide. Going back and forth with Sicat on this case the technician suggested that rather than just having control of the pilot, they could use a “sleeve in…
Super Duper Toofer: Digital Guide Pilot Case with Legacy 3s
Here is a super simple case using Burbank Dental Lab with SICAT with a DigitalGuide. Somewhat short edentulous space for two pre molars, based on everything we decided to use two 3.2 implants and due to the proximity of each one we could only fit two pilot guides sleeves. That being said in soft bone…
A Minute with Dr. Klim : Anterior e.max Blending
My block selection is primarily determined by desired brilliance for the incisal or cusp one-half of the restoration. This tutorial will review my primary strategy about using try-in paste for optimal resin color and brilliance for final blending purposes. And my favored bonding system.
A Minute with Dr. Klim: Magical CEREC Tool
With the Strength Feature, the Form Tool is now one of my most reliable tools in CEREC 4.4. However, use this tool with reserve, only for minor tweaks to the virtual design process.
Well he’s got a screw loose: Loose abutment and the ID Multi Torque Wrench
If you do enough implant crowns this will happen to me. It also surprises me how much of a moron I was when I first started restoring implants. If an abutment screw loosened up I would cut off the whole crown and abutment and start al over. Most of the restorations I do now are…
4.4.2 Is the New Black: Cerec Guide 2 Legacy Case with 4.4.2
Just installed version 4.4.2 for CEREC and was happy to hear we got some improvements! Typical tooth to break, upper pre molar. We are going to tackle the RCTs on 2 and 3 at the next visit. Scanning seems to go faster with 4.4.2. One thing that I noticed was cool was this “slider”…
Sirona Chairside Zirconia Finishing Options
One day when we have a reasonable translucent zirconia option, all it may take is simple polish for the finishing technique. My favored product for chairside zirconia blend modifications is GC Lustre Paste. This video will introduce the finishing options for chairside zirconia with the Sirona Speedfire Furance .