I’ve always been “aggressively conservative” when it comes to tooth preparation. While the marginal axial preparation is more than what we need today for emax CAD and zirconia, this was required for Empress CAD. I presented this particular case at the ADA meeting in 2007 and a couple of doctors in the audience told me…
Stain and Glaze Tip
One simple feature of a better looking molar is to “not let two cusps touch.” When you have this in mind, it is easier to map out an occlusal fissure system. As you see on this case, the mesio-buccal and the disto-lingual cusps do not “touch” on the occlusal surface. If they did, the fissure…
2 For 1: Copying a Night Guard in Galileos, Printing with Envisiontec Vida
So this is a common issue that patient have. They have a nightguard and it cracks or they just need another one. So here is a really simple fix using Galileos and a program called Invesalius that converts DICOM to STL. We scanned in Galileos using the VOG and the scan can. We then brought…
Rise and Grind: 3D Printed Night Guard with CEREC InLab and Envisiontec Vida
I often get asked in regards to 3D printing “What’s the ROI”? Printers cost money and resin cost more! Well this is a cool case where we 3D printed a night guard, something we do all day in our analog world. As you can see this patient really grinds his teeth! Send the case…
Very White, Very Cheap: 3D Printed CEREC Aligner Models on the Moonray
No I am not describing my dance moves, lol. One thing thats really cool about the Moonray is that it can take 3rd party resins. Fun To Do makes resins for UV, DLP, and SLA Laser printers. This resin, Snow white is about $63 per kg compared to $150 to $200 from other Resin providers.…
Temporary Insanity: 240 MPa 3D Printed CEREC Bridge Temp in under an hour!
This was a fun case! A patient came in for a bridge on the lower left. The margins went really sub gingival so I took an impression and sent to a lab, but in the mean time I just got the Envisiontec Vida printer and decided to give their new C and B resin a…
CEREC Straight Forward
Our CEREC Straight Forward class has now sold out 15 times in a row! We are blessed to have all of the support from Patterson Dental, DentsplySirona, Ivoclar-Vivadent, and Vita. We couldn’t do it without their support. The class is fun and fast-paced. We cover some basic concepts, but how the APPLY to more advanced techniques…
Anatomical Dental Implant
When August and I snaked through the IDS, there is no question that this booth had a LOT of buzz. We’ve had long discussions on the pros and cons regarding a dental implant that is PREMADE before extraction TO FIT the extraction site! Regardless if you disagree with the concept, you can’t disagree that this…
Zirconia Plus Titanium
Sometimes there isn’t a good TiBase option. For this implant bridge, we used two stock titanium abutments and milled CEREC Zirconia over them. You have to love the fit of dry milling zirconia to anything! This combination of titanium to zirconia also gives you the great possibility of polishing both materials at the same time. …
CEREC STL 3D Printed, Another case with Exceed $190 For up to 50 Aligers and 2 refinements!
Ever since we dropped out price on Aligner therapy we have been doing a lot more ortho!! Hopefully getting a new camera soon for my Omnicam so I can do away with powder in CEREC Ortho. Class one post ortho relapse case! You really do not have to use Meshmixer for Exceed Ortho…