Hey I like Taylor……, anyway here is a pretty straightforward case. #13 end treated, got a post. Gave the patient options of seeing an endodontist to retreat and remove the post, so let me get it out and an implant back in. Removed tooth to make way for the size small Reference Body
Thermoplast, CEREC, etc. Popped back in the mouth to get the scan. You guys know how I roll.
Reference body located, exported as a CMG.DXD. file back into CEREC. Can’t wait for the full color Omnicam models to get into Galileos.
Initial drill, 2.3. Using my Implants Made Easy keys (www.implantsmadeeasy.com/shop) colored blue to match my eyes :} Blink, Blink
HA coated Legacy 4. Why HA? Because I ordered the wrong one thats why! Lol. I typically use the Legacy 2, as the use Emax a lot, but like to have a few stock abutments for immediate.
Implant placed. Due to the x-ray angulation it looks like its close to the molar, but its dead center. I have another x-ray, if ya don’t believe me :} packed DFDBA (ground up dead person) and membrane. Sutured up, will restore in 4 months, took impressions for flipper!
All healed up! Sorry I did this post after I tried to install a beta and ended up deleting a lot of my older RST files from CEREC. In the software the red dot that indicates the screw position did not look as buccal as it ended up. Back to the drawing board with an abutment and crown.
Here is the final. Hopefully a we get some papilla growth!