We took our show on the road and visited the 2017 ADA National Meeting. We were happy to have our great friend, Dr. Lane Barker, assist us with highlighting CEREC cad/cam technology. Cindy was our patient and we performed multiple demonstrations on stage in the Live Operatory Center in the convention hall. I’ve personally…
The Three Parameters that Matter for CEREC Crowns
We have the ability to customize a lot of things with our milled restorations, but what are the parameters that really matter? There really are only THREE parameters for Cerec crowns: Spacer Occlusal Milling Offset Margin Thickness In this video I discuss their importance and some recommendations for their values. While there are many…
Implant Emergence Profile Designed
The initial proposal for a CEREC hybrid implant abutment is usually a bit “troublesome” to say the least. In my opinion, there are too many calculations going on, like gingival pressure, etc. I wish the calculation made a straight flat surface from the margin of the TiBase to the height of contour. Yes, it would…
CEREC Implant Abutment Set Up
We’ve all been there! You get through your scans, and design, only to discover that the SETUP was not done correctly! Don’t ever make the mistake of saying it is a TiBase when using a ScanPost, or vice-versa! We review what we consider important strategies for setting up the CEREC implant abutment or…
CEREC STL File Into MeshMixer
Ok! So where does the CEREC .STL file go?? It has to go into a program that will at least add a base to the scan. This is necessary for printing. If you scan in CEREC Ortho, you have the option of making a base at the end. You can do this, or place it…
August reviews what you need to know for exporting your CEREC .STL file. While not complicated, he discusses some key points and hints to set up for printing. This is the first video of a series to get you off and printing! The following videos will discuss other programs, like MeshMixer, to make the .STL…
Printing Party at DS World 2017 with Digital Enamel!
August will launch his new book, 3D Dental Printing Made Easy, at DS World 2017 in Las Vegas. In order to celebrate, we are having a printing party at the booth! Digital Enamel will be at booth #218 and have multiple printers going. Come check it out while you’re there. In this…
Four Veneers with CEREC
When you combine digital dentistry with fantastic materials, you can get predictable results. Plus, all of the technical details are easier to work with because the workflow is so much better. You can take the time and energy to work on the final restorations, rather than spend the time to make provisionals. We…
Enamic Multicolor CEREC 4.5
Vita has been in the “CEREC World” since day one. People have used their blocks with great success. A few years ago they developed a “hybrid ceramic” material that has a similar modulus of elasticity to dentin. It was called, Enamic. I began using it because of this very principle for my partial coverage restorations.…
Empress CAD and Multilink at 10 Years
I’ve always been “aggressively conservative” when it comes to tooth preparation. While the marginal axial preparation is more than what we need today for emax CAD and zirconia, this was required for Empress CAD. I presented this particular case at the ADA meeting in 2007 and a couple of doctors in the audience told me…