Gold is not the best material for teeth. As a dentist, I can’t believe I’m saying this because I’ve heard the contrary my entire career. A mother was teaching a daughter how to bake a roast. They cut the end of the roast off, put it in the pan, and into the oven. The inquisitive…
Dental Printing Discussion
August and I discuss digital dental printing and where it is at in 2018. He has some great insight on what is happening, and what will be coming to us in the future. While we have resin materials today, there are other materials, like nylon, on the horizon. August explains…. Our…
Chairside CAD CAM Dentistry
I’m excited to launch my new book: Chairside CAD CAM Dentistry. It has hundreds of images that tell the story of the power of one-visit dentistry. It is a “coffee table” book that is perfect for a high tech dental office reception room. With clear overlay images, it gives the reader an interactive way to…
Micron Dental P300 Printer
I’m an admitted amateur regarding 3D printing. I’ve done just enough to know how to get it done. August is the true expert, but he wasn’t around to discuss the up and coming Micron Dental P300 printer! This is a fun interview, and VERY insightful, with Richard McComas. He is the President of Micron Dental…
Vita In the Digital Dental World
Vita is literally in every dental office. No exceptions! Vita has defined what shades of teeth are, but they are much more than that. They are a restorative company with many options in the digital and analog dental worlds. The President of Vita, Matt O’Connell joins me at the American Academy…
Implant Central Restored
Single centrals can be tough, but throw in the fact that it is an implant, and it can be even more complicated! In my opinion, one of the more difficult things can be the tissue. We are always very careful to discuss with the patient that the tissue may never be symmetrical, or as full…
Zirconia Options for Chairside CEREC
Chairside zirconia is on the MOVE! Just think where it was a couple of years ago! We didn’t have options on materials. Today, the material options are moving fast and rumors abound regarding newer multilayered zirconias! I review the four current zirconia blocks and their characteristics. Dr. Greg Campbell also discusses his…
Polishers for Dental Zirconia
We have a comprehensive bur setup for zirconia and your ceramics. More efficient and a better value. Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day use of CEREC! Works directly through your Apple or Android devices!
The Solea Laser
Dental lasers have come a long way. Convergent Dental’s Solea Laser is the fastest selling laser in the USA. Because of it’s 9.3 micron frequency, it is perfectly balanced for hydroxyapatite. The light literally vaporizes enamel. Anesthesia is not even needed in many situations. Our online education platform is awesome! …
Digitally Upgraded Veneers
Having completed many one-day cosmetic makeovers for my patients, and having it done to me as well, the one thing I hear more often than not is: “I don’t want to go through the temporary stage.” Like it or not, our patients do not want to have provisionals. Can provisionals be helpful? Of course, but…