Check out our new class that is all about doing less! That is… less tooth reduction! We will cover varying prep designs and do a lot of hands-on preparations. Owning CEREC is NOT a requirement! We will use them to scan to some degree, but do not worry about that if you are not familiar…
Thanks for 2018!
Just wanted to give a special thank you to all those that contribute to DE and my digital family. Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day use of CEREC! Works directly through your Apple or Android devices!
Therapeutic Toxins!
Are you doing Botox in your office for TMD or other treatments? We just had the most amazing class at Digital Enamel with Ascend Dental Academy! It was therapeutic botox and dermal fillers instructed by Dr. Benjamin Nemec. The entire class had so much fun that we hung around and discussed it. Take a look,…
No Crowns Necessary with eMax CAD
If you’ve followed this website, you have seen a lot of partial coverage restorations by me. I am very conservative in my decisions on when to “cover” cusps or where to leave margins. After completing thousands of partial coverage restorations, the hard guidelines that we tend to follow don’t always seem to be of importance.…
Digital Dentistry is More than Milling
August discusses digital dentistry with other digital clinicians. In this video they discuss various intra oral scanners and printers. Digital dentistry is more than just milling. Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day use of CEREC! Works directly through your Apple or Android devices!
Real Life with Vita
One of our favorite blocks is the Vita Real Life. It isn’t as popular as some because people are unaware of how to use it. It is a simple block with two layers: a dentin and an enamel. They are sloped within the block to mimic the facial slope of anterior teeth. Basically, the enamel…
CEREC 4.6 with GC Cerasmart
CEREC 4.6 is being released, and the scans are exceptional. The depth of colors are getting closer and closer to photorealism. The HDR visual mode of 4.6 is really nice for depth. However, the 3D DATA is actually the most important thing because that is what we are milling to! Check out the model and…
Ivoclar Vivadent Launches Tetric CAD
Tetric CAD is a new hybrid ceramic-resin. It is mainly ceramic in volume with a resin matrix and touts the highest biflexural strength of all resin-ceramics: 272mPa. It will come in an HT and MT lines. Because of its resin nature, it mills extremely well and fast. Best of all, it is easily polished. Ivoclar…
eMax CAD + Fuji Plus 6 Years
I get this question a lot, a lot: What cement do you use for eMax CAD? Well, it depends. It depends on the preparation style and the clinical situation. If the preparation has adequate occlusal reduction and has good mechanical resistance/retention forms, I have no problem with “cementing” with a RMGI (resin modified glass ionomer.) …
Cracked Tooth Syndrome Solved
Cracked tooth syndrome of the lower left 2nd molar. Removed the composite and lo and behold, there it was. Kept the margins high and dry. Omnicam, Ivoclar Vivadent Emax and Multilink. The digital workflow can definitely help with going from a simple situation like replacing a composite into an indirect restoration without skipping a…