This was an unfortunate case because the patient lived with a cracked tooth for far too long. She had seen her regular dentist multiple times with for periodic chewing pain with an upper left molar, and nothing could be determined. Multiple visits eventually spawned a visit to the endodontist. Even with the specialist, a diagnosis…
Little Rock CEREC Introduction!
Cancer and Long Spans Don’t Stop Digital Dentistry
A Little Pink Saves the Day with Emax CERAM
Digital Emergence Profile
Now You See It. Now You Don’t! Esthetic Control with Emax CAD
CERECs Look Like Temporaries
Klim Joins Digital Enamel
Patient Diagnoses Cracked Tooth
Too Many Kids in the Pool
On a routine Galileos 3D scan, we discovered “too many kids in the pool!” Obviously there were supernumerary teeth. And, how about the permanent canine swimming at the bottom of the pool?