Just installed version 4.4.2 for CEREC and was happy to hear we got some improvements! Typical tooth to break, upper pre molar. We are going to tackle the RCTs on 2 and 3 at the next visit. Scanning seems to go faster with 4.4.2.
One thing that I noticed was cool was this “slider” when you define the border of your guide. Instead of “chopping” the model you can move the line up and down, sort of like the margin on an abutment.
One question I get asked a lot is “Do you have to extract the root first before you scan.” Short answer is that if you can see the contacts of the adjacent teeth you don’t. Here we left the root in but decided not to “grind out” the guide sleeve as we would be extracting later. Again, if you have not switched out the grate at the base of your milling unit you really need to with all the extra shavings.
I love how smooth these guides are. Feels just like a healed site instead of the “rocky” feeling you get trying to free hand drill into a socket.
Used an HA coated 4.7 by 11.5 Legacy 2. Using up my stock before the interactive. It does look like I am close to #5 but it must be an angulation issue. Again will work on 2 and 3 next week.