Here is another immediate low pre molar that I would never do non guided! Non restorable #29, imported into Galileos.
I thought it would be cool to insert slots and use drill stops to come in from the side, but in this beta version the slots didn’t mill. Look at the acrylic shavings!!! I want to wad that up as a snowball and throw it an someone! Always take a full arch scan, you never know how much you can fit in the block.
Great stability and love the seating window in the anterior, this really is just like using an optiguide. Super smooth surgery.
Again, a huge benefit of telio cad is that we don’t worry about getting acrylic or composite down into the extraction socket. No cement to worry about either. This block was milled with the size 20 burs, but we can also mill with the carbides.
Out of occlusion, super nice fit with minimal adjustment. My assistants just love it as they don’t have to worry when they make the temps. Use the SR connect to bond the multilink abutment cement to the acrylic.