Ok, here is another CEREC Guide 2 case. Perfect indication for guided surgery, Lower Molar, lots of anatomy to avoid such as the mandibular nerve, the lingual nerve and the lingual artery. Scanned up in CEREC, I always try to get as many teeth as possible. Planned the case with a mesial tip per the curve of Spee and a lingual tip per the curve of Wilson. Large Guide sleeve exported back to CEREC as a CMG DXD.
Lots of Design options in CEREC 4.4. Check out my book at www.digitalenamel.com for a step by step. Dialed the thickness down to 2mm and provided as much land area around the Guide Sleeve as I could. Window options are available for seating.
Ok so here is where I messed up. When in the block window, make sure you not only rotate but PAN the model in the block to get as much coverage as you can. My guide was still really stable, but I could have had way more coverage.
Love how huge the Maxi blocks are. If you have an MCXL you may need to change the left motor. If you have an MCX you can get Medi blocks and just use your diamonds. About an hour to mill.
You can see where I could have gotten more coverage. Either way, with the Isolite in place the guide was very stable. Note the Implants Made Easy CEREC Guide 2 keys for Implant Direct and Zimmer.
We had an issue with limited opening, which is why I like to “pre load” my keys and drill before entering the mouth. Calvin rotary punches for tissue access.
Digging the HA coated implants and we will see if it improves my success rate. Implant in line with the Curve of Spee and should be easily restored with a screw retained Emax.