Here is another fractured pre molar and immediate temp. No ferrule, broken down #13. Could only fit a small reference body.
While the CEREC Guide was being milled we removed the tooth and any tissue that was left in this image.
Unfortunately the keys are on back order, but they should be ready soon.
Implant in with great torque values. Scraped the anterior portion of the sinus as I expanded. Not sure if I am touching membrane or engaging the floor. Will keep an eye on it.
One problem with all non powder based imaging systems is that when confronted with anything shiny you get a lot of artifacts. Unfortunately we got rid of all our air abrasion systems after the last one died! So my poor dental assistant when door to door in my building looking to borrow one. We started with a small hand help one from my orthodontist, which worked oK but eventually died. Luckily found a lab based sand blaster and got to work.
You can see the image of the abutment in CEREC looks pretty well covered.
Temporary milled in CEREC way out of occlusion. Will wait about 6 months so I torqued to 30 Ncm.
Fianlly got to the final crown. The patient cracked the CEREC restoration