Sorry I have not been posting as many cases lately. Had a few that were just “meh”, and a lot of great ones using a certain blue block with a hole in it which I will save for the release date. Then this cam along. I debated posting it as it was so simple. 2 teeth grafted about 2 months back, ordered an optiguide, planning to not immediate temp, 1 stage with contour healers.
Next week I will get me Implants Made Easy handles, periotomes, forceps and these little babies! The IME punch kit. They have a longer shank to get past the guide. A lot of attached tissue hence no flap.
Pretty simple case. Both sites had soft non mature none graft so I undersized both osteotomies by one drill. Something you don’t normally do on the lower.
Implants placed. I normally only go up to a 5.2 on lower molars but again, the graft was soft. 5.7 by 10 with HA, did not have SBM, I normally just do HA on uppers.
Contour healers placed. Hard to see but there is a lot of graft still coronal to the implant so I am hoping for more bone on the distal of #29. Patient is aware of the perio condition and we are treating each tooth as it has a problem.
Patient returned 3 months later for the crowns. Due to limited opening and some very un-pliable lips we decided to just punt and take an impression and send this to the lab. #20’s healing abutment loosened up hence the inflammation.
Jack the lab guy did a great job
I am always amazed at the interface between the Ti-base and the crown.
Many may feel this to be an unnecessary additional step, but I always try the Emax in at the blue state. If the scan post or the impression coping is off its really hard to separate the crown from the base.
I usually like to put a little stain in the access, but this patient wanted them white. I still think it opaqued out well.