Here is a completed case using the new Scan Posts for chairside 4.2. #31 not right for this world, mobile with a furcation problem. Previously attempted heroics by yours truly lots of decay into the furcal area, endo etc. I’m no longer being a dental hero. Bridge sectioned distal to 29.
Optiguide, traditional implant #30, #31 immediate molar. Used a lance to get into the furcal bone. Since the tooth was angled, I did not do the whole “chop the top off” that I usually do. Just extracted and let the guide do its thing.
You know how I roll by now. Implant placed DFDBA mixed cortical cancellous, small particle, with collagen on a healing abutment.
Fast forward to two weeks ago. Implant healing abutments loosened up and gingiva got under them, so out came my trusty Sirolase to make short work.
This is a great image to show why we love the scan posts so much. Easy to see if you are indexed. With the scan bodies on the Ti-bases its so hard to tell and if you look close, I even messed up the white scan body, the indexing is off. Easy to do in the dark swamp we call the mouth. Luckily we went with the scan posts to image.
I still take an image to make sure they are seated, but the recommendations are that you dont have to do this as you can verify the seating.
Gingi-Mask, Scan posts, etc. Multilayer hybrid abutments, Emax Crowns.
Of course the big drawback with Scan Posts is that the patient cannot occlude. If you want to take a bite with them in, just go to Buccal Bite Tools and remove them. Nowadays I just take my bite right after the Gingi-mask.
Contour healers placed to start the gingival healing. I know, I know you should do this then take your images, but the patient was busy and had a wedding coming up. Milled Sintered and completed by my lab guy Jack at Los Feliz Dental Lab.
Implant fit great and it turn out the gingiva matched perfectly! Torqued to 30 Ncm and sponges placed. I do not add composite, I just let the composite cement get in there.
Crowns in the mouth, look and feel great. Decent emergence profile. In retrospect I could have chaned the crown on #32 to allow for a larger occlusal table on #31. But I think it should fly.