I don’t know how I am going to write this post. If you are in the CEREC community you undoubtably heard about Todd’s passing yesterday. It seems impossible to write that. If you knew him, you loved him. He just had this personality that would make the grumpiest person smile. I saw this phenonmenon actually at a lecture we did in Seattle. There was this guy that well, didn’t appreciate Todd’s love of firearms. He sat there with his arms crossed and was just giving Todd the evil eye the whole time. We were hanging out after the lecture and the guy walked by and Todd did his “air pistols” with his fingers and the guy just started laughing.
If you knew Todd you would also know that he did everything big. Like his big truck with “GDBLSSTX” plates that he would make fun of me as I stand at a towering 5’8” and had to climb into it like a monkey. He even stashed a phonebook for my seat once when he picked me up from the airport. Or his cowboy boots that made him even taller than his usual skyscraper stature. Or his love of photography, and more recently astral photography. I joked that if people asked him why he left the room, he could always say “I just need a little space.” And when he taught or presented or made a video, it was better than anyone had ever done. It couldn’t just be an iPhone on a selfie stick, Todd had better camera equipment than most movie studios. But I think the best example of how Todd always “went big” was how he loved people. He was a friend to everyone, protected his friends and family fiercely, and shared his talents with the world on a daily basis. The love that Todd had for people was evident in every action he took.
We at Digital Enamel, (Cindy, Hallie and Myself) will continue Todd’s legacy, but we will never be able to match him. No one can. My heart goes out to all of you who knew him. Because he touched your life, we know he made it better.