The CEREC PrimeScan has been out for about a year! Time flies! It is like a race car with unbelievable horsepower! However, the driver sometimes doesn’t know how to manage the horsepower! This video goes over some key points in the utilization of the CEREC PrimeScan and how to make better models. This is just some of the content from our CEREC Straight Forward lecture series. We keep our classes small and a lot of hands-on exercises.
- Slow down!
- No button!
- Pivot Point!
- Movies!
- Make the Framework!
- Stop and Evaluate!
- Buccal Bite Hard!
- Buccal Bite Imaging!
- Keep the File Size Small!
- Image for a REASON!
Our online education platform is awesome! Hundreds of videos that help your day-to-day use of CEREC! Works directly through your Apple or Android devices!