Having completed many one-day cosmetic makeovers for my patients, and having it done to me as well, the one thing I hear more often than not is: “I don’t want to go through the temporary stage.”
Like it or not, our patients do not want to have provisionals. Can provisionals be helpful? Of course, but for someone that already has veneers/crowns, the vast majority of the time you need to refresh their appearance. In my experience, it rarely involves rebuilding occlusion. They are good to go functionally with only the slight possibility of functional adjustments later.
This gentleman had his veneers completed in the early 2000’s and cracked the centrals a number of times. He only wanted them repaired, and they were only to have continued problems. His main issue was going through provisionals, as mentioned before. After demonstrating how it can be completed, he accepted treatment.
A diagnostic waxup was completed and used as the basis for the restoration designs.
The preparations and the waxup were correlated, and the ghost images of the waxup were easily seen over the preparations.
CEREC Omnicam imaging has a huge advantage because of the colored models. In CEREC 4.5.2, the tissue and tooth structure is easily seen.
The proposals have little to change other than interproximal contact size and position.
EMax CAD HT B1’s were milled and all were fired together. The translucency is just enough to show the stump shade, and with other characterization techniques, the monochromatic material can appear polychromatic. They were bonded with Excite DBA and Variolink Esthetic Neutral (Ivoclar-Vivadent.)
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