My Omincam Intra Oral scan was giving me all sorts of weirdness, so I just punted, turned the camera on Extra Oral and scanned the Mach 2 model, does look kinda cool though.
As always I like to place my implant without the cerec proposal, then turn the proposal back on to fine tune and then locate the ref body.
Second round on my Zimmer/ID Cerec Guide keys and so far they work great. Got to change the name to IME though. Am looking at manufacturing sites and then I should be able to start selling these.
Drill Body in the Thermoplast and the keys in action. If you followed my advice and used the Nobel keys with ID you may have had some issues with the first two drills. The Nobel starts on 2.0 then the next would be 3.0, so you would either have had to buy a nobel pilot or used the 2.8 key with the 2.3 then the 3.0 with the 2.8. Now I have keys for every drill using the L block up to 5.4
The 2.8 end of the pin fits well, we lost all the furcal bone in the osteotomy hence the leaning of the pin.
Completed the series through the 7mm crestal drill. Got the implant al little more apical. Placed graft with the fixture mount and then after removal of the mount succeeded in removing a lot of my graft! Replaced with the freebie screw and re-packed my graft.
Just trying out another brand of contour healer. This one is by a company called Epros and its undergoing FDA approval. The 8.1 was too wide so I went with the 7.1. I usually like to punch a hole and screw down my membrane, can do it with these unless you make the hole really big to get around the hex. In this case I just screwed it down and made it the membrane like a horseshoe and tucked it around and sutured.