One thing that is really exciting about 3D Printing these days is the ability to print out temporaries and also, to get removable dies really easily. NextDent C and B resin is an FDA approved composite that is unfortunately only available in the US in shade A3.5! A Geller Model is a 3D Printed model that has removable dies and does not need pindexing. I scanned the model in CEREC Ortho to get the double buccal bite and took the exported STLs into ExoCAD to make the models and dies. Although not perfect, ExoCAD has a model detecting system, or you can manually mark your margins.
With literally a few mouse clicks, ExoCAD separates the dies and closed the model base. ExoCAD will then direct you to a file where all the model and restoration STLs are kept. I had to tag team printers as you can’t print in two materials with resin printers. Form 2 with Gray #3 was used for the models and the temps with printed on the Moonray using NextDent’s C and B. I could have really printed this fast at 100 microns, as its just a temp, but wanted to test the fit at 50. Still an hour and a half isn’t bad.
Supports were removed using a Ceramic Acrylic bur from Axis. You can see how the dies are removed. This is really cool! Working on mounting systems as you read this!!
Should I buy the Form 2 or the Moonray? Test them both at my next Dental 3D Printing Party in Vegas jan 19 and 20!! Redister Below!!